Google Chrome- The new kid on the block!

"The web gets better with more options and innovation. Google Chrome is another option, and we hope it contributes to making the web even better." - Google

Well being a fan of google for quite some time now so I decided to try out Google Chrome. I did try Apple Safari to Windows and fell in love with it. The only problem with Safari was that it was unstable and sometimes a real memory hog. So I switched back to old faithful Firefox 2. I was quite impressed by IE 7 but due to some office applications not supporting IE 7 I had to stay on IE 6 as my back up browser. Damn...

Then came in Firefox 3... Wicked! The Address bar acting as your history search is the most amazing feature. I normally don't use add-ons on FF much except for PDF Downloader and Download Them All.. FF3 made my browsing experience far better than any of the browsers I tried. The neat bookmarking feature cut out my time to add bookmarks and I could sit and organize them at a later point in time.

Enough of FF3 let's move to chrome. Google Chrome is like a next gen browser for me with almost all the features of FF3. If I didin't know the inner details I would say that Chrome was built on top of FF3. The UI is pretty neat removing a lot of cluttering and giving more real estate to web pages. No Title bar and menu bar....that's new... and quite good actually. IE 7 also didn't have the menubar

Chrome also has the same Address bar feature like FF3 which again is quite helpful. Another neat feature is to use the same address bar to search google which saves from having another search box. Full marks to google for thinking this one. The browser is quite fast in opening web pages and quite stable too. I have been using chrome for 2 days and it's not crashed even once. Safari on the other hand had crashed a lot of times on the day I installed it. 

It also provides something like Opera's Speed Dial feature. Every time you open a new tab you will see thumbnails of your frequently visited pages. It also has a feature similar to Apple Safari called Dynamic Tabs. 

Now lets come to the inconveniences  caused by chrome. It's not supporting all facebook applications but I think that should improve with time. It does freeze up sometime when using flash but I guess it's not chrome's fault totally. Apart from that it's quite robust and a good browsing experience with Chrome.

The biggest question should one switch to Chrome... I would say not yet. It's almost there... I would like to see the 1.0 version which would be worth switching too. The only problem would be that it might not support something like facebook completely in the current Beta version... Wait for 1.0

All in all Chrome promises to be a browser to watch out for and not just another web browser. We should also keep an eye on IE 8 which is due shortly. Currently I will not stop using chrome but eagerly wait for updates.


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