Not all change is good...

Remember the add of Titan watches ...yes... the one with Amir Khan in it? Makes me really ponder... It states the cold and hard reality of life. When we were children we really thought of becoming something. At least for me I wanted to be an Air force pilot one day, a cricketer sometime, a professional wrestler and what not. Finally I ended up being a software developer. I am not cribbing about what I am. In fact I actually loved working with computers and I still enjoy my job. Although I wish I would innovate something but then I guess the world is not ready for me yet ;)

It's just that where has our imagination gone now? Sometimes I feel we are living what I call 'routine lives'. We hardly do any innovation. Most of our thinking is critical- What is happening to this country? Why am I not paid well? When will I be financially secure and what not. We do get emails from our friends (forwards) that sometimes show us the beauty of life. We don't have time to admire anything unless we are in a good mood.

A few days ago while driving home I happened to follow a school bus on my regular route home and noticed something which at that time hit me quite hard. It was raining outside and I had my car a/c on. In front of me I saw at least a dozen children with their hands out trying to catch the raindrops. I was quite taken aback as to what has become of me. When I was a child I would love to do what I was seeing yet now I am closing my windows so that not even a raindrop can fall on me.

I mean whatever happened to us being artistic. I remember being decent at drawing yet now I haven't picked up the paintbrush in almost 5 years. Is it that I don't have time? May be but then again I do have time to play games and sit in office doing nothing. I mean priorities do change but does that mean you need to change yourself? School was so much fun. College was fun too. And those times we never even had the kind of money which we have now. I was content going by public transport and eating vada pav for lunch. What they say is true - Money cannot buy happiness. The more I try to earn the more I am moving away from what I originally was. As a child I was never involved in any kind of politics in school or college yet now we get pulled into office politics quite easily. Whatever happened to honesty is the best policy? Do all grown ups just learn that to teach their children?

I mean what happened down the line? Life tries to change us and it succeeds. Well not anymore. I have taken my stand. Have you?


confuzzled said…
Awesome man! I truly believe that life is in the smaller things - in trying to be happy in the smaller and shorter things - we sometimes have to sacrifice the 'seemingly' bigger goals.. and trust me it's worth it. I am inspired to write after reading this article of yours.
Toast to our friendship and work/office apart we will live it all! :)
Vijay Nalawade said…
Awesome blog Wagles.
Its said that "Change is inevitable"

Many people tend to change in order to pursue HAPPINESS(which they think is MONEY) but end with loss of themselves.

One should realize that real happiness is in admiring what you have rather than what you don't.

As truly said by Rahul, smaller things do bring happiness than big complicated things and those things could makes one's LIFE more enjoyable than ever.

Keep writing Aditya. Waiting for another more nicer blog :-)
Shripad said…
nice write up.. will make everyone to put on thinking hat.
Nice one Aditya..this must be one of your best ones!
vichi said…
"huuh...unfortunately we have grown too old to enjoy small things :( "

Really after a long long time i read something which touched me

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