
How things change. How people change. Only change is permanent. I don't know why I dug up my old mails. It's very unlike me. May be I just wanted to assure myself that I was on the right track and not heading back to the old 'dead' me.
There is something which I have realized..... It is up to us to decide what to do with the time that has been given to us. We can either waste our lives complaining or just strive harder to achieve our dreams. One thing's for sure..... Only people who believe they can turn their dreams to reality actually end up doing so.
Can't think of more to write.
Signing off.......


confuzzled said…
interesting dude... u r on a roll now!! at least from what i've known in the last 3 months!! very quickly become buddies with u! u r one helluva interesting person! :)

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