
Showing posts from 2011

The Red Ferrari Jacket

If there is one thing which is really precious to me apart from all the gaming stuff and more than my Manchester United Jersey is my bright red original Michael Schumacher World Champion 2002 Ferrari Jacket. This was a time when Ferrari demolished the opposition and although I bought this probably in the 2004 season (during another Ferrari steamroller) I am in love with it. Being a Schumi fan (and a Ferrari loyalist) it is the best sporting merchandise ever. It's been more than 7 years since I have that jacket and it's served me well. I wore it around wherever I went. It was very common to see me wearing it at INKC dog shows all around. Some of my friends even called me junior schumacher. Some teased me that the judges would give me prizes by not looking at the dog but looking at the jacket. My first US trip, I complete immigration and move into US customs. Believe me I was scared. The cop takes my customs declaration takes one look at me and asks me - 'You a Ferrari fan?...