
Showing posts from December, 2009

How to Take a Great Photo for Your Social Media Avatar

How to Take a Great Photo for Your Social Media Avatar : " I’d be lying if I said I had a flying clue what “avatar” meant even a year ago. Now, with the absolute explosion of all things social networking, you’d have to be living under a clod of dirt in some remote corner of the galaxy not to have heard the word and it’s likely you actually have an avatar of your very own. . . or at the very least a profile picture or two or three adorning all the social networks you frequent. Now with that big, fat (and hopefully PHAT), fancy shmancy camera stuffing your stocking this Christmas, you’ll likely be asked to photograph one for someone in the not too distant future. Twitter users left to right: @imageisfound, @amelialyon, @rachelwonders Here are some tips so you’re sure not to disappoint. **PLEASE NOTE: I understand that different profile pics are appropriate for different situations and that ultimately it’s all a matter of preference. As a general rule of thumb however, I maintain ...