The Wave is here!

Yes it's been a long time since I have posted but I have been busy with fitness and work. A few months back, Google Wave hit the web. It's supposed to be an HTML5 application. Well I was really apprehensive about something new from Google. Agreed Google makes the most coolest of products but what I was really thinking was - Do we need another communication medium on the web? I mean we have discussion boards, forums, email, voice chat, social networking and more.. Do we really need this 'Google Wave' ? There was a lot of buzz happening with this being an invitation only account and everything. But for those of us without invitation, there was just a long one hour video. So this Sunday I decided what the heck lets watch it. It's a pretty long video but trust me its worth watching every second of it. Here's my take on what Google Wave is: Google Wave as they have said is a 'communication object' . It's pretty much like a combination of an email and a d...