Of Windows and Doors
Microsoft Windows - Every person who has ever used a PC in their life has used this operating system. Whether or not he has stuck with it is a different story. William Gates' dream of ruling over the world of computers came true with Windows. But now looking back at windows - does it still have what it takes to be a great operating system? Without doubt no one can beat the popularity of Windows in todays PC market. It was so difficult to beat it that even Apple has now started allowing dual boot on Mac's a feature which I was previously unaware of. So who can compete with this Goliath of Operating Systems? In my opinion no one. The market share of Microsoft Windows beats any operating system hands down. Windows has more desktop users than any other OS. I have been using Windows since it's 3.11 release. I remember we had to run win.exe to start windows on MS DOS then. It wasn't an operating system in the real sense. I then upgraded to Windows 95 which in my opinion revol...